Bound Manuscripts
This database is a descriptive list of over 600 bound manuscripts in the Society’s collection. Bound manuscripts are primary sources that provide a wealth of information about local history, community, and individuals that have not been previously published. Some of the different kinds of manuscripts include minute books of town, township, county governments and various organizations, account ledgers of various merchants, membership records of different organizations, hotel registers, records of justices of the peace and tax collectors, doctor account books, school records, personal day books, and church records. The list includes 470 bound manuscript items. These bound manuscripts provide a wealth of information and are organized into eleven record groups or broad subject areas: agriculture, education, government, industry, maps, mercantile, organization, other, personal, professional, and transportation. Within each record group there is a record type, place (town, borough, township or county) where it originated, description of content, name(s) of the individual(s) associated with the manuscript, date, manuscript number and box storage number.
Enter your search criteria in the search field. Records with those criteria in the Content, Name or Place field will be returned. Further limit the results by entering a secondary filter in the Table Search field, like a date. The information displayed identifies and briefly describes these records that can be very useful to individuals who may wish to do historical and/or genealogical research at the Society.

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Bound Manuscripts
Content | Name | Place | Date | MS Number | Box Number | Group | Type |