Pamphlets & Clippings
The Pamphlet & Clippings file is a collection of thousands of pamphlets and (mostly) newspaper and magazine clippings. The majority of the items are selective clippings from The Press-Enterprise and its predecessors. The materials about Columbia County and nearby communities are located in file cabinets near the Director’s desk and arranged alphabetically by subject, e.g. “Accidents – Berwick.” Entering a topic in the Search field will result in records containing that topic in any of the main database fields. For example, enter “accident” in the main Search field. After the initial results, enter “Berwick” in the Search table field. Your results will be limited now to records that contain both “accident” and “Berwick” in them. For additional information (author, source, etc.), click the plus sign at the beginning of the record and and an expanded result will show. Occasionally this search, working over abundant data, will get bogged down. Just refresh the page and begin a new search. This database is a work in progress with only a small percentage of the pamphlets and clippings entered. As volunteers index more of the records, they will be added to the database.
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Folder Title | Title | Location | Names | Date | Keyword | Source | Pagination | Author |