Photos of the Month

February 2014

Shaffer's Horse Auction

Here is the large crowd at Shaffer's Horse Auction. February 22, 1937 in Briar Creek.

January 2014

Winter Fun in Bloomsburg

Winter scene of children sledding on Wood Street in Bloomsburg, circa 1950.

December 2013

Season's Greetings!

Drawing by Phyllis Rhodomoyer, age 93, resident at Balanced Care Nursing Home, Bloomsburg.
We here at the Historical & Genealogical Society would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

November 2013

1942 Fourth Grade Class of Fifth Street School, Bloomsburg

Some children wearing hats of the time of various branches of the military armed services.

October 2013

Costume Party

Early 1900s. Exact location and other details unknown.

September 2013

1940s Bloomsburg Fair

A 1940’s scene of the adult ride section of the Bloomsburg Fair seen showing the Third Street School (replaced by a seniors living complex known as The Towers) to the upper left and the steeple of the Wesley United Methodist Church to the Right.

August 2013

Bloomsburg State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, PA

An early scene of Bloomsburg University when it was known as Bloomsburg State Teachers College, looking towards Carver Hall. Take note of the lack of student housing and abundance of residential homes lining Lightstreet Road. Welcome back BU students! Have a good semester!

July 2013

Millville 4th of July Parade 1916

Millville Independence Day Parade, July 4, 1916

June 2013

Bloomsburg State Normal School

Bloomsburg State Normal School class of 1900 during the spring of 1899. Donated by Dick Wenner.

May 2013

M. P. Whitenight's Tractor Sales

Whitenight & Kschinka, Retailers and Jobbers, sold "The Best of Everything for the Farm" from the early 1920's until at least 1950. Mathias P. Whitenight partnered with Fred Kschinka for many of those years at 7th and Market Streets in Bloomsburg. This photo shows him in business by himself selling tractors and farm implements.

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