Photos of the Month
November 2012
Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, Circa 1895
Photo shows the unpaved street, horse and carriage, and several shop signs. Sign at far end reads "Hot and Cold Baths". Window dign reads "William H. Slate Successor to W.H. Brooke & Co. Books and Stationary."
October 2012
The Owl Club
The Owl Club, later known as the Areme Club, dressed as owls for the first Catawissa Halloween, the first of which was held in 1907. During the early years some of the finest marching bands in the state originated in Catawissa, among the earliest of these were the Spanglers and the Owls Clubs. When these two clubs made their first appearance, it marked the beginning of a rivalry that continued for many years. As the trend spread, with other towns beginning to observe Halloween and organizing marching clubs, spectacular costumes began to appear. For many years the Spanglers and the Owls Clubs competed in various cities and were always among the winners in the parades, their unique costumes drawing applause and admiration. (Source: A History of Catawissa Pennsylvania, 200th Anniversary).