Photos of the Month

May 2023

May Day 1913

The May Day celebration in 1913 was held on the lawn of Science Hall at the State Normal School.

April 2023

Stillwater Papermill

April, 1940. Stillwater Papermill, or what's left of it. Appears to have been defunct for quite a while. I bet a lot of people didn't know Stillwater had a papermill at one time. #01-1011

March 2023

Bloomsburg Homecoming Parade 1919

Marching, Band, people on horseback, old cars, Midway Theater, Moyer Building, and trolley tracks in a photo of the Bloomsburg Homecoming Parade. August, 1919. #01-0615

February 2023

Peacock Corners

February 10th, 1957. Peacock Corners showing a Muntjac buck and doe. They were also known as Barking Deer. Peacock Corners was a small animal farm in Columbia County. #01-2927.

January 2023

Good-bye First National Bank!

April, 1973: Tearing down the First National Bank Building to make way for the new PNC Bank. The closed PNC Bank branch at the corner of Market and Main Streets was sold in 2022. The Society successfully purchased the PNC Bank building on December 30th, 2022 with the help of Representative Millard and a grant from the state. It will become the new home of CCHGS in 2023. #01-2649

December 2022

1952 Toy Matinee

December 6,1952 photo of children waiting to get into the Columbia Theater on Centre Street for the Christmas season Saturday morning Toy Matinee, sponsored by the Bloomsburg American Legion. Photo #36-0089

November 2022

Veterans' Memorial Dedication

Dedication of Veterans' Memorial, Mifflinville, January 1, 1943. Men in foreground, L-R: Unknown, Milford Butts, Reed Miller, Jim Maustellar. #03-0269

October 2022

1961 Kindergarten Class Mifflinville Elementary

Mrs. Fairman's kindergarten class in 1961 at Mifflinville Elementary all decked out for Halloween. Society member Steve Smith is the cute clown front and center.

September 2022

Soapbox Derby

Soapbox Derby in Bloomsburg. Derby cars would start in front of R. D. Rhodomoyer (our member Cary Rhodomoyer's grandfather) Groceries. They would roll down East Street to 5th Street where the winner would be declared.

In the photo: man standing on the left is R. J. Rhodomoyer. The man standing on the right is Fred Betz, who was known for walking around town selling bananas, which he picked up at the plant on 7th Street. Early to mid-50's. #66-0003.

August 2022

Main Street Bloomsburg

Leiby's Hotel (Martha Washington), Walker's Jewelers on West Main Street, Bloomsburg, August, 1956. #38-0295

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