New Book Launch
Check out the special event on the event tab for the launch of our new book – Letters Home – WWI.
Easter Holiday Closing
The Society will be closed Friday, 3/30 and Saturday, 3/31 for the Easter Holiday.
New Book!
Letters Home WWI, by Mark Fritz has arrived at the Society and is now available for purchase! It is $14 for Members, $15 for Non-Members. If you order through our Shop/Publications Page, the price shown includes the $4 for Shipping and Handling. Order online or stop…
Holiday Closing
The Society will be closed from Friday, 12/22/17 through Monday, 1/1/18, reopening on Tuesday, 1/2/18. Have a wonderful holiday and see you in the New Year!
New book! LETTERS HOME – World War I
Mark Fritz’s new book filled with letters home from local participants in the Great War is at the printers and expected to arrive a few days before Christmas. Call the Society now (570-784-1600) to reserve your copy at $15 each.
Remember, the Society will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday November 23 through November 25.
Holiday Closings
The Society will be closed for Veterans’ Day November 10th and 11th and for Thanksgiving November 23rd-25th.
Bus Trip to Philly
There’s still time to reserve your seat on our great bus trip to Philadelphia to visit the new Museum of the American Revolution and Eastern State Penitentiary on Saturday, Sept. 16th. Cost is only $60 per person. See Events tab for more details. Only ten seats…
Holiday Closing
CCHGS will be closed on Tuesday, July 4th for the Independence Day holiday.
Fall Bus Trip!
We’ve got a great itinerary planned for our fall bus trip to Philadelphia. Check out upcoming events for all the details!
Closed for Memorial Day Holiday
Don’t forget the Society will be closed on Saturday, May 27, for the Memorial Day Holiday. Have a great summer!
Spring Closings
Don’t forget the Society will be closed Friday and Saturday, 4/14 and 4/15 for the Easter holiday and Saturday, 4/29 for Renaissance. Come visit us at our stand in front of Dollar General!
Annual Dinner
Our annual dinner will be held on Saturday, April 8th. Mark Fritz will be our featured speaker on WWI. See the Events tab and mark your calendars!
Updated Link
The link to the Andruss Library Digital Collection (Historic Newspapers) at Bloomsburg University on our Search by Name database page has been updated following the changes made to their website.
Pioneer Families
The newly reprinted book “Pioneer Families of Northern Columbia County” has arrived at the Society. The price remains the same at $13 plus $4 shipping and handling. Stop by to pick up your copy today!
Toys of Yesteryear
Our nostalgia toy displays are all ready for viewing! We’ll hope you’ll come visit and bring your family and friends. Click on the Upcoming Events tab for more details!
Christmas Closing
The Society will be closed for the Holidays from Friday, December 23rd through Monday, January 1st, 2017, reopening on Tuesday. Happy, healthy holidays to everyone from all of us at CCHGS!
2017 Calendar
Those industrious and creative folks over in Mt. Pleasant Township have put together a 2017 calendar featuring the seven one-room schoolhouses in the township. The first printing is already sold out. The second will be available in early January. If you’re interested, they’re $10 and can…
Thanksgiving Closing
The Society will be closed Thursday, 11/24 thru Sunday, 11/27 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Enjoy your time with family and friends!
Veteran’s Day
The Society will be closed Friday, November 11th in observance of the Veterans Day holiday.
Holiday Closing
The Society will be closed for the Labor Day holiday on Saturday, September 3rd.
Pam Simpson, Bloomsburg, correctly identified four of our History Mystery Scavenger Hunt clues and submitted her winning entry in time to claim a bountiful prize package from our generous community sponsors!
Scavenger Hunt Deadline Extended!
To give people additional time to work on the clues for the History Mystery Photo Scavenger Hunt, we have extended the deadline for submissions to Friday, 8/5 at 5pm. Even if you’ve only figured out one or two locations, be sure to send in an entry…
Submit Your Entries!
All the clues to the Scavenger Hunt have been posted. Even if you could only identify one or two of the buildings/businesses, make sure to submit your entry via email to [email protected] before the 7/31/16 midnight deadline. The prize packages are worth competing for!