Photos of the Month

January 2015

Roaring Creek Post Office in Slabtown, circa 1900

The first Post Office in Slabtown consisted of a box with a sliding lid on a post. John Yeager was Post Master. The box and post was removed in 1847. In 1855 the Roaring Creek Post Office was established, and operated in conjunction with a general store. The Post Office burned down January 22, 1954. Submitted by John Burba. Researched by Bob Visnosky.

December 2014

Christmas Toy Matinee

Photo of children waiting to get into the Columbia Theater on Centre Street, Bloomsburg, for the Christmas season Saturday morning Toy Matinee, sponsored by the Bloomsburg American Legion, December 6, 1952.

November 2014

Wrecked Trolley Cars in Bloomsburg

Correction: This photo was taken at the Berwick Road trolley barn in August 1918, after a head-on collision that occurred between Bloomsburg and Danville. Thank you, Bob Dunkelberger, for the clarification.

October 2014

Halloween Party Bloomsburg High School 1917

An invitation for the party describes it thus:
Come at the witching hour - not late
And let the fairies read your fate.
Reveal to none this secret plot,
Or woe - not luck - will be your lot.
Time: Half after seven
Place: B. H. S.
Dress: A costume to your taste
Alice P. Sterner, Sec'y Class of '18
RSVP Oct. 26, 1917

September-October 2014

Bloomsburg Fair October 1910

This photo is from our post card collection and is a fairly good picture of the Bloomsburg Fair in October of 1910.

August 2014

Welcome Home Parade

WWI Welcome Home Parade, Main Street, Bloomsburg, August 8, 1919.

July 2014

Lackawanna Engine

This photo of a Lackawanna Engine was taken on the 4th of July in Bloomsburg.

June 2014

Columbia County Sesquicentennial Celebration

Edwin Barton receiving Columbia County Sesquicentennial Certificate during celebration, June 22, 1963.

May 2014

May Carnival

Old Time Carnival on Main Street, Bloomsburg, showing the Gelb & Mayer, Trolley Tracks, Paver Road, Billboard Sign, and Yama Yama Girls. Circa 1895.

April 2014

Bloomsburg Ferry on the Susquehanna River

The Ferry was at the same place as the River Bridge is today. The horses came from Buckalew's Livery. People on the Ferry were staying at the Exchange Hotel. Photo circa 1885.

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